Monday, May 18, 2015

Compositing (combining images) via Masking

The photos below were taken by Chris Ozer for They were taken moments apart and the subjects didn't move much, and because of that they can be stacked on top of each other and combined easily. We want his face from one image and her face from the other to make a better shot.

Here's how you do it:

First, open both images into Photoshop.
I started with the image of her with her eyes closed. SELECT > ALL. Then EDIT > COPY.

Then click over to the other image of her with her eyes open, and EDIT > PASTE. Now you should have a file with the 2 photos stacked on top of each other as 2 layers. I renamed the layers (by clicking on the text) so I don't get confused:

Now highlight both layers by shift clicking, so that they are both blue. Then go to EDIT > AUTO ALIGN to stack the layers perfectly:
Once the image layers are aligned, you can crop the image if need be. Then make a mask on the top layer by clicking the icon at the bottom of the layers palette that is a square with a circle in the middle:
Get a soft black brush and paint on the white mask over her face to reveal the open eyes that are on the layer below:
You now have the best of each image! We have just used Masking to create a composite.

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